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St John and St Nicolas Schools Federation

For the good of all - through curiosity, creativity and love.

Year 6

YEAR 6 Home Learning


Welcome to the Year 6 Home Learning page. On here you will find all the information you need to support your child with their remote learning.  Should you have any questions, you can use the contact details below to get in touch with your child's class teacher. 


Wednesday 8th March  Home learning


We are on worksheet 7 (WO7) in maths resources below - Percentage of an amount.

Answers are there and there is a link to the video from White Rose Maths.


Children who know their Doodle logins can also do some Doodling.

Make sure you click on 'Log in' (blue button in the top right corner of the homepage).

If anyone needs their login details please email me ( and I can send them to you.





Try to read for half an hour today. You could then write a review about what you have read. 


Please practise the spellings you have been given this week. For most of you, these are words with the -ably suffix. If you normally have a different set of spellings, you will have been given these on Monday. Tasks have been set for all groups on Spelling Shed.


Choose one of the video links to help you revise some of the key grammar skills learnt in Year 6.


You could try out some of the activities too!

Grammar activities:

Punctuation activities:

Vocabulary and language activities:


Yesterday, we learned all about noun phrases. You can remind yourselves what these are at the following link:

Then have a go at writing some sentences with noun phrases in. Perhaps you could use some to describe the snow!




Today (8th March) is International Women's Day. Do some research about a woman that you admire and create a poster all about them and why they inspire you.

Maths Resources

General links which may be useful to support learning at home:




Hit the button


Doodle Maths and Tables


Maths Frame Tables Check




Spelling Shed


Top Marks



Primary Resources