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St John and St Nicolas Schools Federation

For the good of all - through curiosity, creativity and love.

Cherry Class

Welcome to Cherry Class

Phonics week by week overview


The teaching team in Cherry Class includes: Miss Wardrop and Mrs Howell, who are supported by Mrs Patel. 

Additional Support staff currently working in Cherry Class as part of the Year 1 team: Ms Andrews, Mrs Parker, Miss Amor, Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Pitt.

Wednesday PPA cover teacher:  Mrs  Taylor


If you need to contact us, please use the details below:

Miss Wardrop:

                Mrs Howell:               




(Please do scroll all the way down the page!) 

Things to bring into school each day Homework and support at homeP.E. Lessons
  • reading books(daily)
  • reading diary (daily)
  • water bottle (daily)
  • P.E. kit (to be in school at all times)
  • Please take 10 minutes, daily, to read with your child
  • Please allow your child to play on Doodle maths for a few minutes each day
  • Please allow you child to practice sounds they are unfamiliar with on 'Expresso Phonics' for a few minutes each day

(see below for further details)

Monday and Wednesdays (Autumn 1)


For health and safety reasons, no jewellery including earrings or necklaces to be warn on P.E. days.


Thank you.






Year 1 Timetable

Year 1 Timetable PDF

Parent Information Talk

Helping your child at home:

Please visit the Year 1 Home learning page for ideas on how to support your child .

We ask that all parents support their child by hearing them read regularly. This may be a reading scheme book or a book they have chosen from home or the library. We encourage your child to select 4 reading books and change them independently when they have finished them.








Here are some useful links to Phonics websites that will help to support your child's learning;


Building Learning Powers. Meet Our Learning Animals: You can help your children by thinking about where they can use these learning powers at home too!

Year 1 Snow Day Activities