Cherry Class
Welcome to Cherry Class
Phonics week by week overview
Handwriting Overview
The teaching team in Cherry Class includes: Miss Wardrop and Mrs Howell, who are supported by Mrs Patel.
Additional Support staff currently working in Cherry Class as part of the Year 1 team: Ms Andrews, Mrs Parker, Miss Amor, Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Pitt.
Wednesday PPA cover teacher: Mrs Taylor
If you need to contact us, please use the details below:
Miss Wardrop:
Mrs Howell:
(Please do scroll all the way down the page!)
Things to bring into school each day | Homework and support at home | P.E. Lessons |
(see below for further details) | Monday and Wednesdays (Autumn 1)
For health and safety reasons, no jewellery including earrings or necklaces to be warn on P.E. days.
Thank you.
Year 1 Timetable
Year 1 Timetable PDF
Long Term Planning and Year 1 Expectations
Parent Information Talk
Helping your child at home:
Please visit the Year 1 Home learning page for ideas on how to support your child .
We ask that all parents support their child by hearing them read regularly. This may be a reading scheme book or a book they have chosen from home or the library. We encourage your child to select 4 reading books and change them independently when they have finished them.