Federation Development Plan
Our Key Priorities for 2024/25
1. Improve phonics and reading provision across both schools so that:
- An increased percentage of children across Years 1 and 2 pass the phonics screening test
- Reading results across both schools improve in all year groups
- The gap between disadvantaged children and others narrows
How we will do this:
- Phonics training for all teachers and TAs in both schools
- Ensure that all phonics teaching uses the Success for All phonics materials
- Introduce Year 2 and Year 3 reading provision using FFT materials, following on from Success for All phonics
- Provide opportunities for children with greater need to access Tutoring with the Lightning Squad with dedicated members of staff supporting them
- Use assessment consistently to identify successes and areas for development in reading and phonics
- Provide additional reading opportunities for more disadvantaged children
2. Ensure the curriculum offer at both schools is of consistently high quality so that:
- Children are making good progress from their starting points in all subjects
- Skills and knowledge being taught across all subject areas is clear and consistent
- Assessment is being used effectively in each subject to inform future learning
- Learning from pedagogy course is fed into the wider curriculum
How we will do this:
- Decisions on subject leaders for 2024/25 taken before the end of term and communicated with all
- Effective handover between existing subject leaders and new subject leads
- Subject leadership time used to ensure learning progression across each subject is clear
- Assessment systems to be incorporated for each subject with heads of school reviewing each syste
- Staff to be clear on what they are assessing and why
3. Improve identified support provided to children with specific needs across both schools so that:
- Behaviour is not a factor that restricts children’s learning in any classroom
- All children with additional needs can receive identified support during the week
How we will do this:
- Introduction of nurture group at St Nic’s from September 2024
- Careful monitoring of nurture group successes and areas for development leading to consideration of how a similar nurture group could be introduced at St John’s
- Freeing up teaching assistants to meet the needs of all children with identified additional needs
- Monitoring of progress by English and Maths subject leads and Inclusion manager with changes made as necessary
4. Ensure teaching and learning is of high quality and is consistent across all classes in both schools so that:
- All teachers and teaching assistants are clear on the expectations that are in place for them
- Teaching across both classes in a year group and across each school and the federation is of a consistently high quality
- More able learners are consistently challenged within class
How we will do this:
- Regular staff meetings focusing on key aspects of teaching and learning and using monitoring to check implementation
- Regular TA meetings focusing on individual aspects of the role and reinforcing expectations
5. Ensure that the new Maths subject leader is provided with the support and opportunities as needed to allow them to lead the subject effectively across the two schools so that:
- Outcomes in maths improve further
- Multiplication outcomes improve year on year
How we will do this:
- Maths subject development plan
- Maths staff meetings, and monitoring and development opportunities across both schools
- Regular conversations with senior staff
6. Develop a focus on staff wellbeing across both schools so that:
- Staff enjoy their jobs and stress levels are within manageable limit
- Outcomes from governor surveys indicate improved feelings about staff wellbeing
How we will do this:
- Analyse 2024 staff wellbeing survey and identify key areas for action
- Consider small changes that can be made to improve staff wellbeing
- Look at ways to build the staff team further across both schools
- Identify ways to improve cross-federation working in a positive way