St John the Evangelist C.E. Nursery and Infant School
Welcome to St John the Evangelist School.
Our School
St John the Evangelist School is our infant and nursery school. We take children from the term after they turn 3 in our nursery (5 mornings per week/15 hours provision) and also take children from Reception to Year 2.
We teach a full curriculum with English and Maths skills at the heart of everything we do. All classes have a daily phonics and reading lesson, starting from the beginning of Reception, with early phonics skills taught in Nursery and all children in Years 1 and 2 take part in a Mastering Number session each day.
Our Foundation Stage is an open plan environment, where children in Nursery and Reception mix during the day for continuous provision, as well as having discrete lessons in their class base. We have an interactive and fun indoor and outdoor environment, with high quality resources for the children to use. Our expert team work effectively together to support every child in their learning and children make excellent progress during their time with us.
During the day in Foundation Stage, along with phonics and reading, there are regular maths lessons and other discrete teaching, daily opportunities for Discovery Time and daily fine motor sessions to develop children's hand muscles. Additionally, each staff member leads a specific activity each week, including cooking and balance bikes to provide extended opportunities for all. Reading, phonics and stories are at the heart of everything we do.
In Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2), the daily phonics and reading sessions continue with Year 2 children having daily spelling lessons in place of phonics. From Year 1, there are daily English and Maths sessions and the children experience a full and balanced curriculum including Science, History, Geography, R.E., PSHE, P.E., Computing, Art and Design, Music and Design Technology. Our teachers always plan together to ensure children get a consistency of opportunity across both classes.
We aim to challenge every child to achieve their best and provide support and additional challenge wherever possible.
To find out more about the school, please contact the office to arrange a tour:
Our Church and Diocese
We have close links with St John the Evangelist Church and the Oxford Diocese. Links to both are below: