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St John and St Nicolas Schools Federation

For the good of all - through curiosity, creativity and love.

Collective Worship

In our schools, our collective worship follows our vision: For the good of all - through curiosity, creativity and love.


Children to come into worship quietly, listening to music – this reflects the ‘good of all’ and ‘curiosity’ parts of our vision, as it develops children’s understanding of meeting the needs of all, whilst experiencing new musical opportunities.


Opening Worship


Worship begins with a greeting, which reflects and celebrates the diverse nature of our community. This will be one of the following greetings:


“Peace be with you” with a response of “And also with you.”


As-salamu alaykum” (peace be upon you in Arabic) with a response of “Wa ʿalaykumu s-salam” (peace be upon you too).


“Namaste” (I bow to you in Hindi) with a response of “Namaste.”


All of these greetings encompass our school vision, and show respect and acknowledgement to others.


Lighting the Candle


Following the greeting, the candle is lit with the following words, “Jesus says, I am the light of the world.” The whole school community says this at the same time.


During Worship


The theme for the week is explored during worship. This might be through a story, discussion, drama, pictures, videos or songs. It could also involve celebration of children’s achievements or quiet reflection.


A prayer is said at the end of the worship. When a prayer is said, children are encouraged to participate if they wish. This might be a prayer written by a child based on the theme for the week.


The Lord’s Prayer is often said during worship – we use the traditional version of this across both schools.


A song will be chosen that ideally relates to the theme of the worship and which aligns to the federation vision. Children will be encouraged (but not forced) to sing.


Blowing Out the Candle


The candle is blown out and everyone says, “Loving father, help us to shine like lights in the world.”




At the end of the worship, the leader will say “Go in peace and act for the good of all.”


Collective Worship Pattern


Monday:           St John’s Whole School worship; St Nic’s Class Reflection

Tuesday:          St Nic’s Whole School worship; St John’s Class Reflection

Wednesday:    Both schools clergy worship

Thursday:        Celebration worship on Zoom

Friday:             Both schools singing worship