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St John and St Nicolas Schools Federation

For the good of all - through curiosity, creativity and love.

Oak Class

Oak Class Story Boxes

Phonics week by week overview

Phonics screening resources

Click on picture to access resources or hyperlinks

Blending bingo



Spring Timetable 2025

Class Teacher: Mrs Head 

Class Assistant: Mrs Smith am only

Wednesday morning PPA cover: Music/ICT  and P.E.   Mrs Cook

Helping your child with Literacy and Maths

Helping your child at home

Please visit the Year 1 Home learning page for ideas on how to support your child .

We ask that all parents support their child by hearing them read regularly. This may be a reading scheme book or a book they have chosen from home or the library. We encourage your child to select 4 reading books and change them independently when they have finished them. Please look at our school reading text via the newsletter each week for a link to this weeks class reading book.






Things to bring into schoolHomework and support at homePE Lessons
  • reading books
  • reading diary
  • water bottle
  • PE kit in school all week
  • daily reading
  • read bedtime stories to your child
  • reinforce the sounds and sight words identified in your child's reading record.

Please have PE kits in school everyday.


For health and safety reasons no

jewellery including necklaces,

bracelets, watches or earrings.

Long hair must be tied up.

Please provide tape for your child's earrings if they cannot be removed.



Metacognition:Our Jungle Learning Powers with characters

Parent Information Talk

Summer Holiday Homework: Please return first day of term.